Thursday 3 January 2013

Happy New Year and Thank You Cards

Happy New Year everyone - I hope you are fully recovered from the festivities.

Its now the time of year when we send out the most Thank You cards - to say thanks for all the lovely gifts we received over Christmas. And I have a confession to make - I hate batch-making cards. With my short attention span I cannot cope with making the same card over and over.

So this year Martha Stewart came to the rescue!

With this Martha Stewart Peg Stamp Starter kit, you can make an endless variety of cards, each one different but themed - so boredom averted!!!

The kit contains a sheet of clear stamps including grass, flowers, pots, branches, birds and butterflies. Along with the stamps, you get four ink pads and even an acrylic block - so it is a perfect kit for a beginner or to give as a gift.

Here are a few I made up and I still have lots more ideas buzzing around my head

Here they are close up -

I hope you have fun with this set.
Mel xxx Pin It Now!

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